
  • XangaSecret: Volume XI

    Due to popular demand, XangaSecret is back after a 3 months break! 

    For those that are unfamiliar with what this is, it is a video project of mine where I feature Xangan’s secrets (whether related to Xanga or not) in videos.  All secrets are generally given to me anonymously.

    Enjoy the 11th edition of XangaSecret, featuring music by theacematt2 (it’s his birthday today btw.  Go stop by and say hi!): 

  • Eight Facebook Lies We Tell

    The other day I made contact with an old friend through Facebook. It’d been years upon years upon Paleozoic eras since we last talked and so we used Facebook’s message feature to catch up quickly. Pretty soon though, it became apparent that I was being sold a perfect bill of goods. Terms like “loving wife,” “successful business,” and “preparing for Iron Man” peppered our exchange and soon I began to think his email sounded like an ad. I don’t know, when people I haven’t seen for nine years ask how I am, I tend to fill them in on where I live, how many kids I have, and what I do. I try to use down-to-earth, normal-people adjectives and don’t tend to say things like:

    Hey! I’m amazing, thanks for asking! I have an age-defying flat stomach even after birthing two kids naturally…two kids who are currently in Montessori school, are child models, and reading at the college level. We travel a lot because my kids are also classical pianists who play for heads of state and my husband is an astronaut who likes to take the family on his intergalactic space trips. Also, I have a robot dog that speaks 18 languages. As for me? I’m Oprah’s stockbroker. For fun, I chisel marble masterpieces and enjoy the sensual administrations of my nubile waitstaff.”

    I mean. COME ON. 

  • Updates on the upgraded private page

    We’re entering the final stretch of our upgrades to the new private page!  The new private pages now support personal search, customization, and a unified look.  They also include clean up of the Private Messages, Friends Manager, and Profile Pics interfaces.

    A few notes for the final step in the process:

    • If you are using the “Old Private Home”, nothing will change.  You will continue to be able to use your existing private page, with its custom look and feel.
    • If you haven’t tried out the upgraded new private page, please try it out here!

    Starting next week (July 19th), for users of our current default private page: we are going to start migrating users of our new private page over to the upgraded version.  If you would rather stay on the un-upgraded “new private page”, we’ll allow you to downgrade for a period of several weeks until the upgrade is finalized. 

  • How To Judge A Man By His Socks

    Some people say you can judge a man by the shoes on his feet. I like to take it one step further. I believe that you can tell a lot about a person’s character and what type of man he’s going to be just by the style of socks he chooses to wear. 

  • Profile Pics upgrade!

    We upgraded and cleaned up the profile pics manager for everyone!

    I asked Marc to describe the changes, and he summed it up nicely: “everything is awesomer.”  The uploading is more seamless, and the images can also be sorted in either grid or list form. 

  • What is Pride About?

    Near the end of June each year, parades are held in cities throughout the US and elsewhere in the world to celebrate gay pride.  These marches began as a commemoration of the Stonewall Riots on June 28, 1969, in which patrons of a gay bar in New York City rioted in response to a police raid and continued harassment.  Originally these parades were knows as “gay freedom” or “gay liberation” marches, although over the last four decades they have come to be known more general as “Gay Pride”. 

  • What Does the “i” in iPod Stand For?

    Dear i, who put you in charge anyway?  iBlasted by the iPod sitting on my desk, my curiosity wanders through the iWorld filled with iTunes illuminating the screens of iPads. Once there, I find my interest bordering around the i itself- the lone vertical line that defies the accepted guidelines of proper nouns which insist upon an upper case presence at the forefront of all words of its kind.

    An i for an I.  Intriguing, or rather intriguing. Wearing his dotted cap with pride, The i continues his journey annexing techno-jungle this and techno-jungle that.  Who are you i, and how did you come to pioneer contemporary sleek-looking, white technology?  Thus, I further my investigation into disclosing Sir i.

    Results, courtesy of a fellow intellect Dennis Lloyd who asked iLounge, the iQuery home base: “What does the “i” in iPod stand for?“: 

  • Things I Learned During My First Year of College

    1. It is okay to wear the same pair of jeans all week. No one is going to notice.

    2. Washing whites and darks together is possible as long as you don’t mind the occasional mysterious spot on your white shirt.

    3. It is not possible to get from the top bunk to the floor without climbing down the frame of the bed, unless you want to injure yourself.

    4. It is always necessary to check if the bench in the shower stall is dry before putting your clothes on it.

    5. Mysterious loud ringing noises that occur in the wee hours of the morning are not your roommate’s alarm clock. That would be the fire alarm; you are having a fire drill. Yes, in the rain. 

  • Dear Xanga,

    I am a smart girl. I mean, academically I’ve always done very well. I even skipped 11th grade and graduated early. But I just can’t seem to do one thing: pass my driver’s test. I’m 18, I just finished my freshman year in college, and I have yet to pass my driver’s test. I have no clue what is wrong with me, all of my friends had cars when they were 16 and 17, and in high school. And here I am, about to be a sophomore in college, and I can’t legally drive a car. I can drive, don’t get me wrong. I have driven plenty of cars, [all with someone over 21 in the passenger's seat] and I can get around. But when it comes to the test, I just fail miserably. And when I say fail miserably, I mean I haven’t even gotten through the whole test yet, because every time, I have done something that disqualifies me.

    I’ve taken the test 3 times already.

  • 5 Reasons Why I Love Crazy Girls

    Typically I rant about things that I dislike. Today I’m inclined to take things in a different direction. Since it’s my birthday I’m going to ramble on instead about something I’m rather fond of. Crazy girls.

    By all accounts I’m the “New York City” of the dating world. Give me your manic depressive. Your bi-polar. Your slicers. Your dicers. Your trichotillmaniac’s (hair eaters). I’ll take them all.

    Some assume that my affinity for the crazy has something to do with me being a psychology major. They are foolishly mistaken. I don’t want to fix you. To the contrary, I’m content with you just the way you are. Would you like me to give you a few reasons why?  I’d be more than happy to oblige.