Month: March 2010

  • I WILL Be a Good Parent

    People seem to think that my brass attitude and the fact that I mention that I will “discipline” my child, meaning I will spank them when they deserve it, will make me a “bad parent.”

    When thinking about it, yeah I would yell a lot, because I get excited easily and I would spank my kid and yes I would say no, but that doesn’t mean I would be a bad parent. 

  • My Most Unusual Phobias

    As some of y’all may remember, I have a list of 20 different phobias. Some of them are rather common while others are… Not so common. Here is a list of what most people would say are my most unusual phobias. 

  • The Girl Who Cried Rape

    Imagine you’re an 18 year old male, just out of high school, a freshman in college living away from your parents and their influence for the first time in you life.  

  • Things soulmates do

    A soulmate and a spouse are not necessarily one and the same thing, even though they are supposed to be; ideally.  I know that some people are married to their soulmate, but I really do sometimes wonder if that is the norm. From what I’ve seen in my life of observing, I honestly don’t think it’s the norm, and if a person can only have one or the other, perhaps it’s preferable to have a spouse then a soulmate (because perhaps it is a more solid, predictable type of relationship).

    But given the choice I would pick the soulmate, because I am an excitement driven person, and being with my soulmate during the times we were together, was nothing if not exciting.

  • The Types of People at the Gym

    I go to a college that charges a $10 fee to use the gym. We have two Nautilus circuits and treadmills, elliptical, and the like. After going for a year and running on the same treadmill, I’ve compiled a list of some of the various types of people you see at the gym. 

  • Passions

    Everybody’s passions today are all alike, I’ve realized. Everybody’s got a passion for art, writing, music, photography, math, video games, learning, agriculture, making things, arguing and so on. 

  • Overcoming Racism

    I was raised around racism. My grandma, was probably the worst.

  • Would We Scare Guys Off Without Make-up?

    Let’s face it. Most of us are no Kate Moss. But does that mean we should feel embarassed going au naturel in public?

    After a gym session the other day, my male colleagues were having a field day over how stunned they were to see the “real face” of an usually uber cute female colleague. How mean! Should us girls never leave home barefaced so that we will not risk having guys scampering off in fear? 

  • Loving Yourself

    Guess where I was yesterday?

    No one enjoys this, not anyone that I know of anyway.  I put them off as long as possible, I hate it. I saw that sitting in the sink when I was getting undressed  and I wanted to get my clothes back on and get out of Dodge.

    Taking care of yourself is part of loving yourself and the ones who care about you.  I am coming to realize how difficult it is to really love yourself ‘in action’.  I believe that if you don’t, you can not fully accept the love of others or even love in a truly healthy manner.

  • Site-Level Search is Here!

    Now you can search within specific blogs on Xanga!

    I just used it to find a reaaaaally old post from my own site – these were serious times

    Here’s how it works: